The Fall Guy Movie Review


The Fall Guy Movie Review

The Fall Guy is a 2024 action comedy film directed by David Leitch and starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. It’s a very boring movie.


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The Fall Guy Movie Review


A down-and-out stuntman must find the missing star of his ex-girlfriend’s blockbuster film. This movie was touted as being the first big blockbuster to open the summer season, but it bombed at the box office so hard. And I can definitely see why people weren’t interested as it’s very much inside baseball Hollywood movie and it’s also honestly not all that fun. It’s the type of movie that media heavily promotes, but nobody else is interested in.

I am not into stunts myself, so obviously this movie was never going to be fun for me, but at least I expected it to be somewhat entertaining, which it wasn’t. It relied heavily on two things to carry it through the finish line – star power and action set pieces. The action was of course well executed, but so frenetic, overwhelming and ultimately quite tiresome.

As for the star power, Ryan Gosling is certainly fantastic. He’s always great at these types of roles and there are shades of Ken here for sure. He is so charismatic and good-looking in this film, easily stealing the show from Emily Blunt, who was somewhat disappointing.

Her role wasn’t nearly as interesting as his was and their chemistry was thoroughly lacking here. Not only that but their romance was poorly written, clichéd and dull. All of their scenes together were supposed to trigger these happy and exciting feelings, but to me they only caused boredom.


The Fall Guy Movie Review


The Fall Guy also has a plethora of supporting players, but none managed to sand out. All of these characters were either underwritten or stereotypical, though the performances are definitely uniformly charismatic and solid. The film evoked the blockbusters of yesteryear, but that’s not always a good thing as I’ve never cared for this type of loud, dumb and silly American movie myself. It looks and sound great (the soundtrack is excellent), but it never came alive for me due to a horrible script that lacked any interesting conversations about stunt work.

The Fall Guy is a giant mediocrity. Ryan Gosling is as charismatic as ever, but Emily Blunt wasn’t as interesting here and the two lacked chemistry. The romance was poorly written and quite tedious. The movie looks and sounds strong, but most of its runtime resorted to endless, loud action set pieces and a lot of silliness. The plot is quite bland and the movie had nothing to say about stunt work.

My Rating – 2.5




#1. The movie had a budget of 150 million. It earned how much?


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