The Counselor (2013)

The Counselor Movie Review
The Counselor is a 2013 crime film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Michael Fassbender and Brad Pitt among others. It’s one of the director’s weakest efforts.
“The truth has no temperature“
Just a few days before his marriage with Laura, a lawyer only known as Counselor gets entangled in a drug plot involving a middle-man, which puts his marriage and loved ones at risk. This film has a screenplay written by Cormac McCarthy and it shows – it is overly dialogue-heavy and not cinematic enough. The movie failed to engage me at any point, which was especially frustrating given its extensive runtime.
The most annoying thing here is that Scott employed such a great cast of celebrities and he wasted them all on underwritten characters and dull roles. None of them made any impact here, which was a real shame. Fassbender probably fared best, but even he was not worthy of such slim material. Bardem was typecast and the same goes for Pitt. Both were wasted. The women fared even worse. Cameron Diaz and Penelope Cruz were just there to be sex bombs for the men to drool over.
The Counselor has dialogue that is interesting at times, but also perplexingly detailed at other times. The sexual scenarios were overly explained and intricate. They did not matter to the plot at all and were just there to titillate male viewers.
The rest of the movie had extreme violence, but no real intensity. This was supposed to be a thriller, but it’s nothing of the sort. It’s just a crime drama that was admittedly well executed technically speaking, but badly paced, structured and written.
The Counselor is one of the weakest Ridley Scott films. It has a tremendous cast of celebrities, but they were all wasted on inferior roles not worthy of their talents. The movie is well made from a technical standpoint, but it’s overlong, badly paced and terribly written with frustrating dialogue and an overly intricate, but uninvolving and at times even preposterous plot.
My Rating – 2.5