Sasquatch Sunset Movie Review


Sasquatch Sunset Movie Review

Sasquatch Sunset is a 2024 fantasy comedy film directed by Nathan and David Zellner and starring Riley Keough and Jesse Eisenberg. It’s a pleasantly strange flick.

In the misty forests of North America, a family of Sasquatches find themselves on a collision course with the ever-changing world around them. This is pretty much a silent movie as it has no dialogue, but only the grunting and other sounds that these creatures make. In its premise and approach, it reminded me pleasantly of ‘Quest for Fire’, though that film was obviously more realistic and more impactful.


Sasquatch Sunset Movie Review


This is a very odd film that won’t be for everyone, but I did appreciate its uniqueness. It’s actually more a comedy than a drama. It’s a fantasy adventure in its basic setup, but it uses so much humor throughout that I consider it to be a full comedy of the absurdist variety.

How did those gags fare? Some were pretty good while others were weak. Most of the humor derives from the characters doing their animalistic behavior like grunting, fighting and having sex. The sex scenes were overwhelming, but undeniably amusing. The highlight was that turtle scene that was simply brilliant. I wanted more of those ingenious moments.

Riley Keough and Jesse Eisenberg are in this film, but you’d never know it is them given that they are wearing these big and ugly costumes. I did appreciate the actors for actually delivering in terms of over-the-top acting and physicality, but the characters felt underdeveloped and I did not care for any of them, though one death scene was admittedly touching.


Sasquatch Sunset Movie Review


Sasquatch Sunset is edited and paced in such a way that it ended up being immensely slow and even boring at times. It is only one and a half hours long, but it felt much longer, which is never a good thing. I loved the folk score that was absolutely beautiful and it accompanied so well the gorgeous vistas on display. The movie is so well shot and directed. But I wished to have seen more exploration of the humans’ impact on nature as this storyline was introduced too late in the game and it ended up being rushed. But the ending was striking in its imagery for sure.

Sasquatch Sunset is this absurdist comedy with no dialogue, featuring just the grunting and other sounds that the titular creatures produce. In its approach and basic setup the movie was similar to ‘Quest for Fire’, but it is much more comedic in its tone. Some of the humor was too gross, but most of it was amusing. The theme of human impact on nature was introduced too late and it was rushed. The pacing is also ridiculously slow. But the flick is so unique and different that it’s worth seeing for that authenticity alone. The score and cinematography are gorgeous too.

My Rating – 3.5




#1. The sasquatch is also known as?


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