Infinity Pool (2022)

Infinity Pool Movie Review
Infinity Pool is a 2023 science fiction horror film directed by Brandon Cronenberg and starring Alexander Skarsgard and Mia Goth. It is another mediocre movie from this filmmaker.
“You’re so frozen these days
I can’t even tell if you’re sleeping or awake“
James and Em Foster are enjoying an all-inclusive beach vacation in the fictional island of La Tolqa when a fatal accident exposes the resort’s perverse subculture of hedonistic tourism, reckless violence and surreal horrors. After seeing this guy’s previous feature ‘Possessor’, I said back then that he is simply not his father, and sure enough I hold that opinion after this movie as well.
The problem with Brandon Cronenberg is that he lacks the nuance and the sophisticated commentary from his father David’s films. Take for instance last year’s ‘Crimes of the Future’. That movie is surely grotesque, but it’s also so much more than that as it’s very much a critique of today’s overreliance on medicalization. Infinity Pool has none of that. It’s a movie that is all about humans being crazy and deranged, which we all know that some people are capable of, but there is no further commentary behind the surface whatsoever.
Alexander Skarsgard is a great actor and of course Mia Goth is a great rising talent after her incredible turn in ‘Pearl’ last year. Imagine then that they had to star in this pointless mess where they did look great and they had some memorable sequences to film, but overall the characterization was simply not present, thus the performers couldn’t elevate them either.
Infinity Pool is one of those movies that are so reliant on visuals that they lack any substance. But even the visuals are overwhelming as the movie is too bombastic in score, sound and crazy imagery that it becomes exhausting too quickly. The gore and violence also did not help matters as it was too sensational and pointless. I did find the premise original and intriguing, but the execution ruined any chance that this story had to be impactful.
Everything that I said about Possessor also applies to Infinity Pool. This is another mediocre movie from Brandon Cronenberg that is clearly the case of style over substance, but even in its visuals and score it felt bombastic and overwhelming. It’s a SF horror that is just too grotesque and exhausting to bear with no depth behind its admittedly intriguing concept whatsoever.
My Rating – 2