Bullhead (2011)

Bullhead Movie Review
Bullhead is a 2011 Belgian crime film directed by Michael R. Roskam and starring Matthias Schoenaerts. It’s a dark and depressing, but well made movie.
“You know what’s wrong with you?
You’ve got no balls!“
Jacky, a young cattle farmer who is constantly pumped on steroids and hormones, is approached by a veterinarian to make a deal with a notorious beef trader. Dealing with the dangers of growth hormones and the entire crime industry based on these drugs, this is not an easy movie to watch, but it is quite important in it subject matter.
The best reason to see Bullhead is for the central acting performance. Matthias Schoenaerts has always been a competent actor, but this was his career-best turn. As Jacky, he sold the character’s simultaneously commanding and vulnerable sides. This is one of those films that showcases that just because somebody is muscular and physically imposing doesn’t mean that they are strong on the inside. Schoenaerts delivered a terrific performance that was both believable and admirably physical.
But the film failed to make a case for the other characters, who are all disposable and just obstacles in the protagonist’s path. The acting overall is strong, but these characters needed more to do. The overall story is also exceedingly dark to the point that it was downright horrendous and depressing to watch at times.
Bullhead also failed to include a stronger commentary on the protagonist’s homosexuality as it was definitely there, but it was only barely hinted at. ‘Moonlight’ would do a similar story much better five years later.
As for the technical aspects, this Belgian crime flick delivers in terms of solid score, but the cinematography, editing and directing from Michael R. Roskam failed to register. They were all serviceable, but hardly remarkable. It’s a solid film for genre fans, but not all that impactful for anybody not particularly engaged with this genre. It was nominated for an Oscar in what was a very weak year for foreign cinema.
Bullhead is a Belgian crime movie that is exceedingly dark and depressing to watch, but it was elevated by a tremendously layered, physical performance from Matthias Schoenaerts in the main role that was so well written. The movie’s technical aspects are nothing to write home about, but it deals with some important themes, and the protagonist’s tragic story is well explored.
My Rating – 3.5
#1. Which of these movies was also nominated for the foreign Oscar this year?
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