Yesterday (2004)

Yesterday Movie Review
Yesterday is a 2004 South African drama film directed by Darrell Roodt and starring Leleti Khumalo. It’s a very moving film dealing with difficult subject matter.
Yesterday, an HIV-positive mother, must battle her illness and aim to live long enough to make sure that her young daughter Beauty gets a chance to attend school. It is great seeing an African movie that deals with the AIDS issue having in mind that they were the region that was hit hardest with this pandemic. This movie was so accomplished that it ended up being nominated for an Academy Award in a rare feat for an African film.
When it comes to the plot, the movie goes through the expected and predictable plot beats, so it’s far from unpredictable or exciting, but it does what it sets out to do and it does it remarkably well. It is a simplistic tale, there is no question about it, but sometimes simple movies are great when done right and certainly this one was executed so deftly.
Leleti Khumalo is phenomenal in the main eponymous role. Her performance shines through as this admirably courageous, powerful woman who braves her condition with clear eyes and eventually is there to see her child go to her first day in school. That ending was just incredibly touching and it has the power to move audiences to tears. Its emotion is earned as we’d really come to care for the woman up to that point.
Yesterday unfortunately did not develop the secondary characters more with the exception of the teacher who shares a wonderful friendship with the protagonist. The husband is just there to die basically while others are entirely sidelined.
The movie is very well shot and superbly directed by Darrell Roodt, who is one of the most renowned directors in the country. The editing and pacing are top-notch and so is the tender, sophisticated yet grounded dialogue. It needed more ambition in its execution, but the short runtime led to a very engaging, moving watch.
Yesterday is a simplistic movie that more than compensates its lack of ambition with strong editing, directing and acting. It deals with difficult subject matter and it’s fueled by excellent dialogue and intense emotions, leading to a powerful, heartwarming ending. The secondary characters are sidelined, but the main female character was superbly realized and wonderfully performed. It’s a rare African movie that got an Oscar nomination.
My Rating – 4