Worst Disneytoon Studios Films

Worst Disneytoon Studios Films List


Worst Disneytoon Studios Films

Although Disneytoon Studios does have its fair share of surprisingly solid sequels and even original works, it’s mostly known as this cheap direct-to-video production company that put out way too many horrible and unnecessary Disney sequels throughout their reign. This is the list of the very worst that the studio made.


10. Planes: Fire and Rescue

Although better than the original, this sequel was still way too dull and forgettable. The action is improved for sure, but the storytelling is still beyond slight and the characterization is horrendous. It’s a very weak franchise that thankfully died off after this one.

Planes Movie Review


9. Mulan II

This one was an utter disappointment as it actually had a lot of potential, but they squandered its very rich arranged marriage versus free choice storyline with the kid gloves treatment, poorly constructed arguments and very weak new characters. Mushu is funny here and that’s pretty much it.

Mulan II Movie Review


8. Planes

Everything that I have said about its sequel also applies to the original, but the action itself is also lacking here. Planes was just a poor ‘Cars’ rip-off spin-off that never went anywhere and it never was even fun to begin with, which was its worst offender.

Planes: Fire and Rescue Movie Review


7. Atlantis: Milo’s Return

This is one of those horrible stitched together movies consisting of different parts just acting like a movie, but it never felt like a movie at all. Its three stories are way too dull, inconsequential and forgettable to register anything other than boredom. The world building is fine, but everything else is bad. It should have been a television series instead.

Atlantis: Milo’s Return Movie Review


6. Tarzan II

This one hurt so bad as I am a huge fan of the original movie and I find it very underrated and awesome. This sequel threw all of the good things about it, but just put the kiddie stuff, and that bothered me so much as this franchise in particular should never be childish. The music and animation are okay, but the characterization is terrible, especially of the new personalities.

Tarzan II Movie Review


5. Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas

Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas has some good segments, but most aren’t that good unfortunately. Some of the characters are badly utilized and some are just plain annoying. The entire movie serves as a bad sequel to a pretty solid and charming first flick while its technical aspects are terrible with the CGI animation itself being an abomination.

Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas Movie Review


4. The Fox and the Hound 2

This one hurt just as much as the Tarzan sequel. The first movie is an utter delight that was actually much deeper than usual for a Disney film, but this one traded all of that emotion and sophistication for such a pointless sequel that acts as this very annoying country musical, which reduced its characters to boring entities. The stakes here are almost non-existent.

The Fox and the Hound 2 Movie Review


3. Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas

How to make a worthy sequel to the only Disney Best Picture nominee? Well, just make Belle be slavish to Beast and trying to satisfy him throughout, and you’ve got yourself a great sequel. Yes, this is exactly what happened in this terrible, ill-conceived midquel (yeah, I know) that is mediocre and infuriating throughout its runtime.

Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas Movie Review


2. Belle’s Magical World

Yes, here we have another ‘Beauty and the Beast’ sequel that is even worse than the above entry simply because it betrays so many characters and plot points from the original that you feel betrayed yourself watching this mess that is also made up of many television episodes that were disregarded the same way they did for ‘Atlantis II’. It is atrocious.

Belle’s Magical World Movie Review


1. Disney Princess Enchanted Tales

Here we have the reigning champion. Disney Princess Enchanted Tales is undoubtedly the worst Disneytoon Studios film of all time, and that says a lot. Nothing here works and everything is just atrocious. The soundtrack is okay, but the animation is absolutely terrible, the characters are reduced to these meaningless chores and the film panders to the smallest children possible with an annoying tone and humor. It is the absolute worst of this awful pile.

Disney Princess Enchanted Tales Movie Review


Honorable Mentions:

Cinderella II: Dreams Come True – The characters in this one are okay here, but again the television format is horrendous and the storytelling is beyond bland.

Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s AdventureThis sequel has its moments for sure and the animation is very nice, but the story is nothing to write home about.

The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea –  This sequel was so disappointing to me as a huge fan of the original. It has its good scenes, but most of the storyline is very cheap and mediocre.

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