Woody Meets Davy Crewcut (1956)

Woody Meets Davy Crewcut Review
Woody Meets Davy Crewcut is a 1956 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a pretty forgettable short.
In this one, Woody meets the titular character as he tries to shoot him down. I am not a big fan of these redneck cartoons where the people from the South are depicted in such a negative and caricaturist light. Most people today complain about racism in these cartoons, but white people from rural areas actually had it worst back then as they portrayed in such a ridiculously over-the-top manner.
The protagonist did not appeal to me in the slightest, but at least Woody was reliably fun and funny. The animation is stellar and the score is quite good. The movie has a pretty solid second half in terms of gag and action execution, but the first half could and should have been much better and much brisker.