Woodpecker in the Rough Review

Woodpecker in the Rough is a 1952 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a fine, but forgettable movie.

Woody is challenged to a zany game of golf in another one of these sports cartoons that simply did not appeal to me. Golf is a very boring sport, so it cannot even be fun in the cartoon form. They did their best to make it more interesting, but for the most part the movie was only serviceable.

With that being said, the animation here is stellar and Woody is reliably fun and chaotic. This flick has a new design and voice for Woody, but I was fine with it. The final couple of minutes had some pretty good gags and action scenes while the rest of the cartoon was standard golf fare.

Woodpecker in the Rough is a pretty well animated and well made flick, but the plot and gags are mostly too standard.

My Rating – 3.5

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