Well Oiled (1947)

Well Oiled Review
Well Oiled is a 1947 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a very familiar cartoon.
‘Ration Bored’ did this same plot of Wally and Woody fighting over car gas four years ago. Thus, this movie was very much a rehash no matter how well executed it is. Some gags are actually very clever and strong. Woody is maniacal as ever and Wally is quite sympathetic here as you root for him against this devilish bird. The animation is very good too.
But why did all these Woody movies rehash the same old ideas multiple times? This series could have been unique in each and every installment, at least to a degree. It certainly had the potential for that. But they played it safe, leading to this lazy movie that would work like a charm for you if you hadn’t seen that older flick.