Wayne’s World (1992)
Wayne’s World Movie Review
Wayne’s World is a 1992 comedy film starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. It is a highly overrated, unfunny film.
“No Stairway. Denied!“
It follows two slackers who have their own show and try to make money off of it. That is the core here, but in my opinion this movie doesn’t really have a story. It is very uneventful and slight and when you think about it, it doesn’t really go anywhere as evidenced by its very annoying non-ending or a parody ending of whatever you want to call that scene.
Mike Myers is weak at first, but he got better as the movie progressed. He is certainly more memorable than Dana Carvey who never really got much to do here. I liked Wong quite a bit and as far as I’m concerned, the only strong reason to see this film lies in that romance between her and Wayne. It is very charming, sweet and overall quite good and unexpectedly strong. Other than that, the film is a waste of time.
Wayne’s World is a waste because it is a comedy but it is just never funny at all. At least it wasn’t to me. I guess that people who were like Wayne and Garth back in their youth or they know somebody like them can empathize and find it funny, but I am not a part or a fan of this particular culture and thus I found the entire film boring. True, great comedies transcend their premises and characters and offer great humor for everyone and this is simply not that film.
So not only is the humor weak and most of their catchphrases aren’t all that interesting as the movie makes them out to be, but the mockumentary approach is also very silly, unnecessary and mostly it did not pay off as it was used quite often, but not often or strongly enough. The direction is weak, the structure is odd and the acting is not the strongest. The script is also bad and although the film has its sweet and endearing moments, it mostly fails to connect emotionally.
Wayne’s World has a couple of fine scenes and the romance is actually quite good, but it is overall a hugely overrated comedy which is just never funny or memorable in any way. The plot is non-existent, the film is too limited in its appeal, the mockumentary approach did not work particularly well and the ending is very annoying.