Twin Peaks Season 1 (1990)

Twin Peaks Season 1 Review
Twin Peaks is a mystery television series created by David Lynch. Its first season was released in 1990 and it contained eight episodes.
“There are things you can’t get anywhere,
but we dream they can be found in other people“
It is about an investigation following the murder of Laura Palmer in the titular fictional town. This remains an iconic show and one of the most important released in the nineties. It was created by David Lynch and it had such an inherently cinematic feel to it that rendered it groundbreaking for the time.
I did not care for this show and I will not continue watching it after the first season. I know that I am in the vast minority here, but I’ve always had a complicated relationship with Lynch’s movies as I adore some, but really dislike others. This show represented some of his worst tendencies all present in one package – an overly ambiguous story, overly odd characters and an emphasis on visuals instead of storytelling and characterization.
The result is a show that at least in its first season did not have any memorable personality of the bunch. Well, Kyle MacLachlan was terrific and he stole the show from everybody else. He was well cast and his scenes really worked, but others ranged from mediocre and forgettable to downright frustrating in their deliberate oddball personalities.
Most of the first season made no sense as so many sequences were purposefully either vague or downright ridiculous. Yes, the cinematography is gorgeous and some of the imagery is instantly memorable and intriguing in quality, but too often the show would forsake everything else in favor of said imagery.
The only aspect that I genuinely adored is the score. Twin Peaks featured one of the best and most beautiful opening themes in television history as it’s perfectly moody and melancholic. That atmosphere is present throughout the first season, which I enjoyed, but the mystery left me cold and disinterested instead of engaged. The dialogue was also weird for the sake of being weird.
Twin Peaks is a show that represents some of the worst qualities of David Lynch’s filmmaking – an excess in style over any more meaningful substance. It has a beautiful score and gorgeous cinematography, but uninteresting characters and a mediocre plot made me disinterested very quickly. I won’t continue watching it unfortunately.
Worst Episodes: Episode 1 and Episode 3
Best Episodes: Episode 6 and Episode 7.