Top Ten Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Characters

Top Ten Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Characters
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is a sitcom that is very limited in the number of characters who are regulars on the show. The main foursome are all amazing, but others are fleeting presences, so making this list was rather difficult in the final spots. Still, I managed to do it and I am confident that I chose the best ones.
10. Deirdre
Deirdre was absolutely hilarious. As Jacqueline’s very rich and obnoxious rival, the two squaring off against each other was consistently incredibly entertaining and so funny. The only problem is that she only got a couple of episodes, which is a shame as she deserved much more.
9. Cyndee and Gretchen
Both of these are quite different, but still important parts of Kimmy’s bunker experience. Although the two got significantly less screen time in the last couple of seasons, at first they got some great moments to shine and in particular the show’s positioning of all these women dealing differently with their trauma was grounded and interesting.
8. Donna Maria
Clearly the most memorable member of the so-called Mole Women, this woman acted that she did not know any English, and the lines spoken in Spanish were all hilarious in the first season. Eventually, she became rather successful and the one last season episode where she had a good talk with Kimmy was wonderful.
7. Xanthippe
Xan is great. She got shortchanged after the first season, which bothered me as she was so much fun when interacting with Kimmy. The two making fun of each other was gold. She is this very interesting type of teenager who only acts tough and cool, but is actually clever and nerdy. That juxtaposition was compelling.
6. The Reverend
Played incredibly well by Jon Hamm, The Reverend represents in a nutshell what this entire show is – a dark character presented in a light manner. He is a horrific abuser, but also a genuinely brilliant manipulator. The courtroom scenes were some of the best of the show while Hamm’s comedic delivery was consistently on-point.
5. Mikey
Mikey is Titus’ love interest and the two share such a wonderful, charming romance that is the best relationship in the series for sure. Simply seeing a rough Italian construction worker being gay was daring and groundbreaking on the part of this show, but Mikey’s childlike goofiness made him an instantly likable, wonderful character whom you can easily root for.
4. Lillian
The weakest of the main foursome because they took some sweet time to make her an integral part of the show, Lillian eventually became important and she got progressively greater material to work with. She is this goofy older New Yorker who is obsessed with the old city and how it was, even going so far as to fight the new guys coming in to change the streets. Her clashes with these people were the comedic highlights for her.
3. Jacqueline
I adore Jacqueline. Although some of the material that she got was inferior, most of her episodes were incredible. Jane Krakowski is hilarious in this role and Jacqueline’s snobbish attitude made for many fantastic lines of dialogue. Her interactions with everybody else were terrific and she genuinely developed into a nicer person as the show went by.
2. Kimmy
Though she at times got to shoulder the most dramatic and darkest parts of the show, Kimmy was still wonderfully optimistic and childlike and energetic throughout. Inspirational and rather complex actually, her trauma was very well handled and her heart was always in the right place. Ellie Kemper is tremendous and her facial expressions sold the show every single time.
1. Titus
Yes, I do honestly think that Titus is the best character on Kimmy Schmidt. This is because he is not only wonderfully acted, realistic and very well written, but his arc was truly superb as he went from being extremely selfish to at least willing to become a better person. The show was at its best when following his many humiliations and uncomfortable situations while the friendship between him and Kimmy was the core of the show and their dynamic was phenomenal.