Top Ten Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Episodes

Top Ten Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Episodes
Deep Space Nine has a lot of clunkers in it, but more often than not the episodes are great, some are even amazing. In my ranking, I tried to include different types of episodes, but the clear winners will obviously be those heavy, dramatic and political episodes that are all about dialogue and strong characterization. Without further ado, here is my list.
10. What You Leave Behind
Clearly problematic in Sisko becoming basically God in that very unlike the show last fight with Dukat, the overall two-parter was otherwise tremendous. It ended the Dominion War very effectively, but above all else it was heartbreaking seeing everybody say goodbye to each other and we, the audience to them, particularly Kira and Odo’s scenes were super moving.
9. Wrongs Darker Than Death of Night
Kira finds the truth about her late mother in yet another among many truly fantastic Kira/Dukat outings. Whenever these two got an episode, I was thrilled as the drama was so heavy and so emotional throughout. Here in particular, the twists kept on coming and they made for one very dark, important storyline.
8. Extreme Measures
Among the best of the last episodes of the show has to be this one. Odo is gravely ill here and it was absolutely heartbreaking seeing him in this state and how he wanted Kira not to know about it. His dignity was admirable. But it was also wonderful how Bashir and O’Brien helped im out and here the two share some of the best bromance moments ever.
7. Emissary
This was such a terrific opening for this series. Emissary was a two-parter and it was an epic introduction not just to the entire storyline that would span the whole show, but also to Sisko as a character, especially as it relates to his position as both the captain of the crew and the titular emissary of the prophets of Bajor.
6. Call to Arms
Faced with the realization that the Dominion are taking over the Alpha Quadrant, Sisko decides to mine the entrance to the wormhole with self-replicating cloaked mines. This is the episode that started the whole Dominion War saga, which remains the best arc that made the show famous, and here the drama was potent and the stakes were quite high.
5. Destiny
This is a very complex spiritual episode that features both the Cardassians and the Bajorans, but above all else it deals with Sisko’s unwillingness to accept his role as an emissary. This was his most important arc and dilemma throughout the entire series, and here it was explored in the most thoughtful way possible.
4. Doctor Bashir, I Presume
By far Julian’s finest episode is this one. Here, we all find out that he was actually genetically engineered as a child, something that he hid for many years. Not only did this storyline develop his character so well, but it also wonderfully explored the ethics of genetic engineering and everything that it pertains.
3. Indiscretion
Indiscretion introduced the Breen and later they will become important allies for the Dominion cause, but the whole drama between Dukat and Kira gets it this third placement. Again, it was powerful and revelatory, but it was also very cinematic with their joint mission being very adventurous with the set being so well utilized as well.
2. Homefront
Homefront started the Changeling infiltration of Starfleet storyline that was ended in Paradise Lost. Both parts are excellent. This is undoubtedly the most thrilling story of the entire show and one of the first truly amazing Odo installments. It is both dramatic and very suspenseful with great action sequences.
1. Duet
Kira is determined to bring down the suspected notorious war criminal who is this visiting Cardassian. However, the twist revelation twisted the whole story on its head and it was downright beautiful. The entire episode is very suspenseful and impeccably written in dialogue and in script, but that revelation made it even more moving and tragic. It’s a complex issue that is so well explored while also developing Kira phenomenally. It represents everything that I love about this political SF series, which is why it easily gets the number one spot.
Honorable Mentions:
Tribunal – O’Brien is judged in this episode that is a great showcase for his character. Most of his suspenseful thriller stories are great with this one being among the best.
Past Tense – Probably the only episode set in Earth’s past that really worked for me, Past Tense is clever and highly engaging in its storyline.
Tears of the Prophets – This season 6 finale brought the Dominion War to the forefront with great twists and turns and stupendous action and consequences.
Waltz – A great Dukat and Sisko episode, it features some of Dukat’s most unhinged moments and it was a blast to watch.
A Time to Stand – A strong opener for the sixth season, this episode is important for progressing many storylines forward and for making Weyoun such a memorable villain.