ThunderCats Season 2 (1986)

ThunderCats Season 2 Review
ThunderCats continued the rest of its run from 1986 to 1988. These seasons were mostly a slight improvement upon its predecessor.
“Ancient spirits of evil,
transform this decayed form to
Yes, because the first season had 65 episodes and the other three had the exact same amount, I am lumping them altogether in one review. Technically speaking, everything remained the same. This animation is very much of that lesser 80s TV quality, but at least the world building continues to be strong, even if the show quite often failed to fully utilize on its many interesting places and locations.
The score was great again and repeated from before. I am certainly going to miss the opening number from this show. It’s catchy and fun in that charming 80s cartoon way. The action is pretty improved this time around with the best episodes being the fights between the main character and villain.
Mumm-Ra continues to be the finest reason to see this cartoon. He is over-the-top, but menacing and very competent. Some of the episodes that he got here were truly terrific and his manipulative tactics and solid schemes stole the show from everybody else.
As for the others, they are mostly bland and forgettable. Lion-O remains this overly stoic protagonist and I personally do not care for the type. Cheetara is cool, but most of his friends are underrealized as always. And the less said about Snarfer, the better. I really dislike this nasty little being. His voice is horribly annoying and he is the type of sidekick cartoon character that you just love to hate. He got way too many episodes for his good here.
The second season introduced the Lunataks, who have their moments, but mostly remained silly throughout. The introduction of the longer story arcs containing four or more episodes was quite welcome, though, and this element made these seasons better than the first one. The third season with the treasures and many schemes of Mumm-Ra was the best one while the fourth season excelled particularly strong in the opening story arc with the rebuilding of Thundera while the finale was surprisingly ambiguous for an older series.
ThunderCats was overall an improvement in the last three seasons over the first one. The introduction of longer story arcs was refreshing and the central villains was again the main highlight. Still, the sidekicks and other characters were bland and many of the episodes were pretty much filler/silly material.
Worst Episodes: Time Switch and Cracker’s Revenge.
Best Episodes: ThunderCats – Ho! Part I, ThunderCubs Part III and Return to Thundera! Part V.