The Tinder Swindler (2022)

The Tinder Swindler Movie Review
The Tinder Swindler is a 2022 documentary film directed by Felicity Morris. The movie was a big hit on Netflix and it is easy to see why – its entertainment factor is indisputable.
“You just need to trust me one last time“
A group of women who were the victims of a dating app based swindler join together in an attempt to hunt him down and recover the millions of dollars that were stolen from them. This story is absolutely crazy. It’s almost difficult to believe how insane it is, but it actually happened, which just goes to show how naïve some of these women who go on dating apps can be. The movie is a cautionary tale, but it should have hit that home even harder as obviously it’s an important message, especially for single women.
Netflix actually did this guy a favor by making him more popular and now he is even using this movie to grift once again, which made this film actually achieve the opposite effect than intended unfortunately. But the film cleverly showcases that this elaborate scheming is very much possible when you get into the heads of your victims, which Simon did effortlessly. We get to see the scheme from beginning to end in a film that is definitely too long, but undeniably entertaining throughout.
The Tinder Swindler did make a point near the end that Tinder has nothing to do with this, which was an important message to convey. The film doesn’t really deal with online dating all that much as it is concerned solely with the scheme. The movie became too much of a thriller near the end, but it was still a lot of fun following this woman as she carefully exacted revenge on the guy and saw his imprisonment.
But he came back unfortunately and now he continues to grift, which is baffling to me. Felicity Morris directed the movie with a lot of suspense, quick pacing and very well constructed interviews with these women, making the film urgent and instantly enjoyable and provoking conversation, which led to it becoming a huge hit on the streaming platform. I personally found all those creepy scenes with fake voices overdone, but for the most part the film is very accomplished, if not as sophisticated as you’d want from a documentary.