The Redwood Sap Review

The Redwood Sap Review

The Redwood Sap is a 1951 animated short film from the Woody Woodpecker series. It is a strong flick.

This movie is pretty much a retelling of The Ant and the Grasshopper fable, but with the Woody Woodpecker dressing. This means that we get a decidedly dark and more nihilist take on the oft-told tale with the ending being unpredictable and brutal. Woody basically remains an asshole and he continues to steal food from the other animals without working himself.

The animation is stunning here and the movie felt so cozy in its summer and winter forest landscapes. I loved the scenes with the feisty animals and some of Woody’s lines about his no work policy were hilarious. My only issue here is the messaging. Although this fits his character like a glove, it still is a terrible message to include in a cartoon and it’s dubious and odd to have your character not only fail to learn anything, but also not get any punishment.

The Redwood Sap has a ridiculously nihilist ending and it’s a very dubious movie in its messaging for better and for worse, but it’s undeniably well made and fun.

My Rating – 4

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