The Prince (2021)

The Prince Review
The Prince is an animated sitcom that premiered on HBO Max in 2021. It’s a surprisingly good comedy that deserved more attention.
The Prince focuses on an eight-year-old Prince George who makes life hard for his family and the British monarchy. First off, this show was pretty much canceled after one season due to some bad circumstances (the passing of both the prince and the queen) as well as bad word of mouth. But I would argue that it was canceled because of political correctness. The fact that somehow this show was said to be done in bad taste more than the likes of Family Guy and South Park is ludicrous to me, which just goes to show how influential the monarchists sadly are online.
In reality, this is very much a fun and funny animated comedy done in the vein of aforementioned shows, but with a different setting. As somebody who isn’t well acquainted with any of these parasites, it took me a while to realize who is who, but when I did, I found it to be a blast to watch. It’s a needed critique of these entitled royals who do nothing all day but wine and dine and act royal when in reality they have no actual power.
The animation isn’t the greatest, but for the most part the visuals on most animated comedies today are subpar, so I had no issue with it. The soundtrack is quite strong and there is this one song in the penultimate episode that was pleasantly Disneyesque and wonderfully sweeping. Each episode is only twelve minutes long, but that made those episodes brisk and immensely entertaining, even if juggling between so many characters proved to be a daunting task.
The titular prince is by far the most memorable character of the bunch. It was hilarious how extremely flamboyant and bitchy he was. The bulk of this show is him complaining about stuff and acting all whiny. The heart of the series is his relationship with Owen that resembles a genuine friendship or a father-son dynamic of sorts, but with an added element of toxicity. Owen got for himself one incredible episode toward the end that is the highlight of the entire season and that humanized him so much and made some great points about the important things in life.
Meghan was depicted in an overly positive light, but I would argue that this was a good choice as after all the media would go out of their way to vilify her and excuse the royalty at all points, so I was fine with it. Harry was naturally a buffoon and his lack of fundamental knowledge about how anything works did produce some funny results.
Catherine and William were a bit too sidelined and not as memorable admittedly, but Elizabeth was parodied gloriously as the cold-hearted woman that she was. Charles being like a child and calling her mommy was very funny and Camilla being silent was also a great touch. I also loved George’s sister Charlotte and her silly espionage shenanigans and I wanted more of those. As for the monster butler, I liked this subplot quite a bit at first, but eventually it sadly went nowhere.
Overall, The Prince is a surprisingly strong animated sitcom that was sadly canceled after one season due to cancel culture. In reality, this is a funny, solid comedy that made me laugh out loud numerous times due to strong dialogue and very good character work. The animation is weak, but the soundtrack is excellent as is the voice acting. The highlights are the whiny brat George and his relationship with his servant Owen, the needy Charles and the idiotic Harry while most of the others were pretty solid, but somewhat underutilized.
Worst Episodes: Tea and Charity.
Best Episodes: Owen and The Flummery Tart.