The Perfect Candidate (2019)

The Perfect Candidate Movie Review
The Perfect Candidate is a 2019 Saudi Arabian drama film directed by Haifaa al-Mansour and starring Mila Al Zahrani. It is such a beautiful, subtle film from this competent director.
“I just want to fix that road“
A young female Saudi doctor’s run for office in the local city elections forces her family and community to accept their town’s first female candidate. A lot has been reported about Saudi Arabia’s rise to a more liberal society. In fact, some of these news definitely were overly exaggerated, but at least women are getting more of the basic rights in this country with each new year. This movie captures this moment in their history perfectly, which makes it very relevant, but also timeless as a great time capsule for future audiences.
The story is wonderful. This is the time of movie that undoubtedly benefited from terrific, confident direction from its director. Yes, Haifaa al-Mansour has made ‘Wadjda’ before and that movie was lauded, but this one is much better and more memorable. Both movies were shamelessly snubbed by the Academy. They were perfect Oscar fodder and I do not understand how they did not make that happen for her.
Going back to the plot, I truly loved most of it. The central storyline is fantastic. Seeing the various reactions to the protagonist’s doctor status and eventual town candidacy run was very interesting. Also, highly realistic. We see some men who are okay with it. We see a section that are uncomfortable, but grudgingly maybe going to accept it. And we see those who are vehement sexists, not caring for basic women’s rights in the slightest. All of these are captured so well, making the film very relevant and a great glimpse of the Saudi society of today.
There is this subplot with an old man not wanting a female doctor. He cannot even look at her, let alone let her operate on him. Eventually, he changes his mind in a typically inspirational way only seen in the movies, but that scene was emotionally earned because it was a gradual journey for him.
The film is surprisingly subtle in its feminism and not at all on-the-nose, which I strongly appreciated. Maryam is wonderfully inspirational as she doesn’t run for office for feminist reasons, but for the greater good as she just wants to build that road that leads to the hospital. That makes her an inspiring figure for all the women out there. The performance from Mila Al Zahrani is excellent and she is very charismatic and wonderful in the role.
There is another strong moment, well, many scenes in fact that exemplify just how nuanced and wonderfully made this movie is. Whenever her and her sisters are in the house, we see an entirely different side to them. In a subtle manner and never stating it outright, we see the women dressed in a modern way with no niqab in sight and just enjoying their time together. The sisterly bond was beautiful and seeing the two drastically different sides to living outdoors and indoors for women in this society was important.
The Perfect Candidate certainly has an issue with that side plot involving the men. I did not care for it myself, though it was important to make that connection that even men have it hard in these Muslim countries. Still, more could have been done with this story to make it better connected to the central narrative. But the dialogue is excellent and very grounded while the acting, direction and pacing for the most part are superb. The understated camera was terrific too.