Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 (2017)

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Review
Star Trek: Discovery is a science fiction television series created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman for the streaming service CBS All Access. Its first season of fifteen episodes was released in 2017.
“When emotion brings us ghosts from the past,
only logic can root us in the present“
As a fan of Star Trek, I was intrigued at this new rendition of it. However, upon seeing it finally, I have to say that this is by far the worst series in this franchise by a mile. It’s just so mediocre with very few redeeming qualities to it. One is the acting as admittedly every performance is quite strong. The highlight is Sonequa Martin-Green. She is truly terrific as Michael.
But I hated her character. She was this very bitchy, annoying and frankly quite unpleasant person whom I simply did not care for in the slightest. Yes, some of her stories and her personal troubles are well explored undoubtedly, but the character herself left me in the cold despite some good storytelling and excellent acting, which really says a lot how unlikable she is.
The others are even worse. They gay couple on the show is forgettable with Stamets also being incredibly annoying. Saru is the most intriguing member of the team, but even he was underdeveloped, especially as this new alien species. We should have learned much more about him, but that necessary development never came to fruition unfortunately.
Others are all forgettable while the Klingons are problematic as well. I liked them speaking in their own language and the design is more modern and creepy, but the overall conflict is overly fabricated between the two and I was simply never particularly invested in this war.
The worst offender about Discovery is its overall tone. It felt overly dark, overly horror-like and way too action-packed with not a lot of dialogue and with too many conflicts and yelling between its characters. Yes, the effects and the score are all great, but I do not mind that when the storytelling was so weak with not a single truly memorable and/or great episode of the bunch. The emotional investment was also lacking and the tone and feel of the show is totally off.
In the end, Star Trek: Discovery is simply not Star Trek. They should have called it differently. Everything is wrong here as it marks too much of a departure for the franchise. I liked some technical aspects of it with the acting being its strongest suit, but the irritating characters and weak storylines made it difficult to sit through.
Worst Episodes: The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry and Vaulting Ambition.
Best Episodes: Battle at the Binary Stars and Into the Forest I Go.