Sonic Prime Season 2 Review


Sonic Prime Season 2 Review

The second season of Sonic Prime premiered on Netflix in 2023. It’s another solid, though very flawed season of this uneven series.


We’re gonna fix the world!


Sonic Prime Season 2 Review


First off, I have to say that I preferred this installment over the previous one. The first season had those pirates that I found to be immensely annoying. This second outing has none of those cringey characters, so at least it has that going for it.

With that being said, it’s still not a great season. The second half is overwhelming in action and rather repetitious in plot scenarios and pacing. Too often Sonic would fight a villain, first lose, and then eventually win, then rinse and repeat. That is the basic plot of this entire season and it quickly grew tiresome for me.

The first episode I genuinely loved. It explored the relationship between Shadow and Sonic so well and I loved their fun and meaningful dynamic. They developed a genuine friendship and it’s a shame that the rest of the season wasn’t focused on characters the same way as it got lost in all the action set pieces.

So yes, Sonic is wonderful. He is so well developed and more complex than in most video games where he is a bit too simplistic. I liked his arc quite a bit and he is by far the MVP of this season and the entire show pretty much. Shadow is excellent at first, but sidelined later down the line. Tails, Amy and Rouge were all quite uninteresting and rushed here.


Sonic Prime Season 2 Review


Sonic Prime continues to focus on the multiverse, but thankfully this time around we saw less of that and more of other things that range from silly (the villains) to potent (the character relationships). The animation is stellar, the score is quite good and video game references were all terrific, though definitely too sporadic in this instance.

Overall, Sonic Prime is somewhat better in its second season, though it still has a lot of room to improve. The highlight is the excellent opening episode that was moving and engaging. Sonic is so well developed and the animation is stellar. The other characters left a lot to be desired and the action was quite overwhelming, leading to a rather underwhelming second half of the season.


Worst Episode: No Way Out.

Best Episode: Avoid the Void.

My Rating – 3.7

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