Solar Opposites Season 1 (2020)

Solar Opposites Season 1 Review
Solar Opposites is an adult animated sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Mike McMahan. The first season consisting of eight episodes was released in 2020 on Hulu.
“If Frasier isn’t real,
I’m going to kill myself!“
This show is clearly not very original. It’s basically ‘3rd Rock from the Sun’ mixed in with that typical ‘Rick and Morty’ humor and style of storytelling with a very brisk pace that characterized that show. The creators that did it made this show, so it is understandable that there are similarities, but ultimately this show turned out to be different in its tone as it is much less cynical and nihilist and more optimistic and even endearing, which took me by surprise.
The show’s animation is quite good with solid character designs, but again nothing special. The same goes for the score. The humor can be good, but not as great as I would have liked it to have been, but the themes and dialogue are frequently quite interesting and observational as they explored many aspects of humanity so amusingly.
Let’s talk about the episodes in the first season. The Matter Transfer Array is the introduction and it’s rushed as is the entire season, but I really like the opening narration that is changed a little bit in each episode, but always has some new observation and funny line about humanity and I wish the entire episodes were like that as these observations are so much fun.
The Unstable Grey Hole and The Quantum Ring are both way too fast paced and frenetic. The problem with this show is that it never takes its time to develop the characters more and breathe a little bit, but eventually I’d really come to care for these people with Korvo being particularly fun and Terry is also cool.
The Booster Manifold is fun, but overly concerned with disgusting stuff. The Lavatic Reactor is fun in Korvo becoming stupid, but otherwise also messy. This is where the season became better as The P.A.T.R.I.C.I.A. Device is amazing and so sophisticated and funny in its handling of sexism and how absent it is from today’s US society. Terry and Korvo Steal a Bear does finally deal more in-depth with the humans trapped with these crazy aliens, but it should have been funnier overall. Retrace-Your-Step-Alizer does end things interestingly, but again abruptly.
Overall, this entire season was in my opinion just the beginning of a show that could become much better in the future. For now, it has its highlights, which are the dialogue, some of the humor and a couple of episodes, but it is too rushed in pace and chaotic.
Worst Episodes: The Unstable Grey Hole and The Quantum Ring.
Best Episodes: P.A.T.R.I.C.I.A. Device and Retrace-Your-Step-Alizer.