Skyscraper Caper (1968)

Skyscraper Caper Review
Skyscraper Caper is a 1968 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a surprisingly solid cartoon.
One night, Speedy Gonzales tries to save his pal Daffy Duck from sleepwalking through a construction site. In this cartoon, Speedy and Daffy are actually friends, which made all the difference in the world. They still should never have been paired up together, but they function much better as friends than as enemies. The sleepwalking premise was also ripe for some fun, well constructed gags.
My main issue with this short is the construction site ending. This is yet another cartoon that included this setting for its conclusion to middling results. Some of the scenarios worked, but mostly all of it felt familiar and uninspired. The beginning was much better, though the ending was sweet. The endearing nature to this short made it quite memorable and it was so nice seeing the two be on such good terms with each other.
Skyscraper Caper has a weaker second half, but it’s a surprisingly solid cartoon that ranks among the best films featuring Speedy and Daffy.
My Rating – 3.6