Shot and Bothered (1966)

Shot and Bothered Review
Shot and Bothered is a 1966 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a very weak short.
Wile E. Coyote uses suction cups, a tennis net, TNT sticks on a rope, a skateboard, helium gas, and a bomb in his unsuccessful attempts to catch the Road Runner. This is one of the worst Road Runner shorts so far. Many would complain about the limited animation in these Rudy Larriva shorts, but that is not my main issue with them. The visuals here are serviceable.
The main problem with this short lies in its very uninventive, awfully lazy gags. Also, so many missed opportunities abound here. There is this extended pipe sequence that gets repeated in the end. In both instances those scenes went nowhere. If you include a giant pipe, you better make great comedic use of it, but they failed to do it here. Wile’s facial expressions are as amusing as ever and the bird also got some solid moments, but the gags failed them both in this one.