Rocket Squad (1956)

Rocket Squad Review
Rocket Squad is a 1956 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a very entertaining short.
Dragnet was a highly popular crime television show from the fifties that ran for hundreds of episodes. Needless to say, this short parodying such a popular series was a terrific move from the creators, albeit it made the film overly dated for today’s audiences. Some of the references here flew over my head, but thankfully the cartoon is so funny and so amazingly crafted on all levels that it managed to overcome that hurdle.
The space setting was gorgeously realized. It reminded me so pleasantly of ‘The Jetsons’. The planets, the look of the suits and the ships are all fantastic. The L.A. smog was a hilarious joke while making fun of these noirish detective shows with overly brooding personalities and deep voices was very funny. Porky is very amusing, but Daffy steals the show with a fun look and many hilarious lines of dialogue.