Rick and Morty Season 6 (2022)

Rick and Morty Season 6 Review
The sixth season of Rick and Morty is a huge improvement over its predecessors. In fact, it is the best season since the second one, representing a true return to form for the series.
“Jerry, everything is as likely as anything else“
Solaricks concludes the previous season’s arc with multiple versions of our main characters and thank goodness it did. I am sick and tired of this multiverse crap and I was so happy to see it conclude. The highlight of this season is the other version of Jerry, who was hilarious. Rick: A Mort Well Lived isn’t quite was entertaining in the main duo’s storyline, but this was the moment in the season where Summer shined the most. Her total ignorance about ‘Die Hard’ made those moments hilarious.
Bethic Twinstinct is where the two Beths develop a romance, which actually leads to Jerry being aroused by it in a clever, funny twist that was very much in character. Night Family is quite possibly the best Season 6 episode as it’s brilliantly inventive and original. The high-concept premise did wonders for the story that was consistently engaging and fun while the execution was top-notch as well. The chaos that eventually erupted in the second half was highly entertaining.
Final DeSmithation is another instant classic. The fortune cookie-centric storyline was also highly authentic and this is where Jerry shined. He is so scared of the potential of having to have sex with his mom that he has to employ Rick to help him out, which leads to hilarious and adventurous results. The action here is also some of the best of the season.
Juricksic Mort just might be my favorite episode of this sixth season. This middle streak was truly spectacular as the show suddenly fired on all cylinders. This is where we finally see some genuine exploration and development for Rick as his pettiness is at an all-time high. It was great that the others and the show itself finally acknowledged that. The premise where the dinosaurs are actually more evolved than humans led to the rift between the dinos and Rick, which was very amusing. The finale also featured an extra special gag that was rewarding due to excellent build-up that the creators previously did.
Full Meta Jackrick is the most meta that the show has gotten so far. Some of these jokes were too meta, but most worked, especially Rick’s acknowledgment of the show’s critics and detractors. The entire idea to give these storytelling devices superhero personalities was a great one and the action here was so much fun. Analyze Piss is another standout. Jerry beats Pissmaster, a superhero who has piss powers, which leads to his suicide and Rick taking on his mantle. Every single plot development here made sense in the context of this crazy scenario and the result is an episode where both Rick and Jerry were at some of their best.
A Rick in King Mortur’s Mort is another creative high-concept episode that is particularly funny at making fun of Medieval chivalry. It’s a great concept that quickly gets blown up both in scope and in ambition. The one-off characters here are some of the best of the entire show so far. Ricktional Mortpoon’s Rickmas Mortcation doesn’t have the best storyline overall as it left a lot to be desired, but it does benefit from a hilarious US president and his many funny lines of dialogue. But the highlight is the revelation that during the last couple of episodes Rick was absent and a robot had taken his place.
The sixth season overall was superb and the second best season of the entire show. It has its weaker episodes, but most range from very good to outstanding. The highlights are the creative high-concept stories that were wildly entertaining. It was also wonderful seeing Rick finally get some exploration as his arc here is quite meaningful.
Worst Episodes: Solaricks and Ricktional Mortpoon’s Rickmas Mortcation.
Best Episodes: Night Family, Final DeSmithation, Juricksic Mort, Analyze Piss and A Rick in King Mortur’s Mort.