Really Scent (1959)

Really Scent Review
Really Scent is a 1959 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a pretty good short.
Pepe Le Pew arrives in New Orleans, where Fabrette the black cat has been cursed with white stripes like a skunk, interfering with her chances to get married. The first half of this movie is nothing special. It just goes through the motions and the humorous situations aren’t that plentiful in that section.
But the second half is where the short found its groove as the twist on the classic formula was very interesting. Basically, the roles are reversed and Pepe is the less smelly one and he has to escape from the cat in the end. That was very funny. Another highlight involved Pepe finding out about what his surname means in a very well constructed sequence. The elegant, bright animation is also wonderful.
Really Scent is at first forgettable, but then it becomes quite interesting. The animation is lovely and the final gag was a lot of fun.
My Rating – 3.9