Ranking The Golden Girls Characters

Ranking The Golden Girls Characters
The Golden Girls is one of the sitcoms with the smallest ensembles. Throughout the show’s run, family members came and went, but nobody would stick around for more than an episode or two for the most part. Thus, only two characters apart from the main four women appeared significantly enough to be included on this list. Here is my ranking of all six Golden Girls characters.
6. Miles
Miles was a boyfriend of Rose during the final stretch of the show. The two had a terrific dynamic and he was wonderful toward her, so he was not hard to like. However, he rarely got more development individually and he did not get quite as many episodes to make more impact, thus he gets the last spot on this list.
5. Stanley
Stanley is by far the best male character on this female-centric show. This guy cheated on Dorothy, but the series went above and beyond to still make him likable and to redeem him. His buffoonish behavior and silly ideas made him the butt of the jokes, but it is his utmost respect and care for Dorothy that made him admirable. Their relationship was fascinating to witness.
4. Sophia
Now we come to the hardest ranking as all four of these women are so amazing that ranking them was almost impossible for me. Sophia just might be the funniest member of this stellar ensemble of iconic characters. She is the ultimate trash talker and her constant berating of her daughter and the other girls led to so many hilarious lines of dialogue that are quotable to this day. She might be hard on the surface, but she is much softer beneath all that tough Italian woman façade as she cares for the other girls deeply. The only reason why I ranked her lowest is because she got the least amount of screen time of all the girls.
3. Rose
Rose unfortunately got to be the butt of the jokes a bit too often for my taste, especially her intelligence. Still though, she remained a radiant ray of light on a show that is otherwise composed of more cynical and ironic personalities. Thus, she felt like a necessary breath of fresh air in her innate optimism and childlike personality. She was deepened through her past marriage and all her insecurities, but the comedic highlights included her failing to get adult jokes and of course her St. Olaf upbringing produced many iconic scenes.
2. Blanche
Blanche is the most sexually active woman of the group and the most flirtatious. Her obsession with men was used not only for comedic purposes, but to comment on the idea of female sexuality at an older age and everything that it pertains. We also got to see the episodes that hinted on her childhood and her marriage, which significantly deepened the character that otherwise could have been too simplistic. Her Southern accent and proud heritage were the other source of great gags too. Blanche was an over-the-top delight throughout and the second best character after…
1. Dorothy
Yes, Dorothy has to be my number one pick. This is obvious choice, but sometimes the obvious is the right choice. Dorothy is by far the most relatable character of the bunch as she is the most realistic as we all have a little bit of Dorothy inside us. Her cynicism and sarcastic line delivery led to so many hilarious moments on a show that really depended on her to carry it through the toughest issues and most touching scenarios. Her friendship with the other girls was so wonderful and her relationship with her mother both sweet and inspirational. Her looks were the source of jokes made at her expense quite often as was her bad experience with men, but ultimately she got a deserved happy ending. She really is one of the funniest and most iconic sitcom characters of all time.