Ranking She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Seasons

Ranking She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Seasons
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power ran on Netflix from 2018 until 2020 for five seasons. Throughout its run, this animated fantasy remained rather even in terms of quality, but there are still some clear favorites, so this is my ranking of all five seasons.
5. Season 2
The problem with this season and why it landed on the last spot is that it was simply too short. They shouldn’t have cut the second and third season into two when they were so short with around six episodes each. This season is fun for sure, but it is so inconsequential and half-baked that it undoubtedly is the weakest of the bunch as the better stuff was reserved for its successor.
Best Moment – The entire episode with Shadow Weaver was amazing and seeing her backstory was powerful. This is where this character became complex and interesting and her turn to the good side was ultimately smoothly handled.
4. Season 5
The fifth and final season of She-Ra ended on a very high note. Its treatment of Horde Prime as the big bad villain was problematic as the action was anticlimactic, but the emotional beats that we got were truly special and all of the characters mostly got their proper due. It is a season that is all about proper closures and it delivers on that front.
Best Moment – Clearly the selling point of this season was the kiss between Catra and Adora. Although I felt bad for Scorpia, this romance worked for me as the two were clearly into each other and their story was the highlight of the entire cartoon.
3. Season 1
The first season was clearly more kid-friendly than later seasons. This was an issue for adult viewers, but the major strength here was its instantly strong world building, very memorable characters and a strong hook in terms of storytelling as the first episode alone is so intriguing that you couldn’t wait to watch more.
Best Moment – I loved everything in the debut episode, but the highlight was seeing Adora come into her own for the very first time. The transformation scene is amazing and seeing it for the first time was so much fun.
2. Season 3
Catra becoming a full-on villain was very interesting to follow while Shadow Weaver’s turn to the good side was also wonderfully handled. This is the better of the two short seasons of She-Ra as the best and most dramatic as well as emotional moments and stories were left for this season and this is where the show turned dark satisfyingly so.
Best Moment – That different reality episode was the highlight of this season as it saw Catra become more and more unhinged and also Scorpia was very memorable here. The intense thriller-like tone here is very authentic for this show and it worked.
1. Season 4
This is the best season of this show without a doubt. It’s not as problematic as the last nor as short as the third one. It has its inferior episodes, but most are very strong. The darker elements here worked while the character development for Scorpia, Catra and Hordak continued to shine. The action has never been better than it was here and the stakes were never higher.
Best Moment – Clearly the highlight of the season is the fight scene between Catra and Hordak. This is something that I wanted to see more in this action-lacking show. This fight is incredibly well executed and so much fun.