Random Harvest (1942)

Random Harvest Movie Review
Random Harvest is a 1942 romantic drama film directed by Mervyn LeRoy and starring Ronald Colman and Greer Garson. It is such a heartwarming, though implausible romance.
“Smithy, do I always have to take the initiative?
You’re supposed to kiss me“
An amnesiac soldier was found in the debris and he remembers nothing about what had happened to him. In his newfound life, he meets a music hall actress, they fall in love and get married. First and foremost, this story at its core is almost implausible or downright impossible to believe. The scenarios are so outlandish that you cannot really take it seriously at any moment in time.
With that being said, it is to the testament of the great Mervyn LeRoy and a hugely talented cast of actors that this film still ended up being as moving and as sweet as it is. You even start believing this tale due to the sheer power of its emotional tone and superb performers. The ending is particularly heartfelt.
Ronald Colman was wonderful here. He was both charming and very competent in all the emotions that he depicted here, thus definitely earning his Oscar nomination. You feel for the guy and his problem of amnesia for sure. As for Greer Garson, this was a fantastic year for her and this role is among her best. She is so elegant, so inherently likable and so wonderful that the two made for such a terrific couple for whom you root to find happiness in life. Their romance represented pure romantic cinema of yesteryear.
Random Harvest was obviously based on a novel and it shows throughout as it’s wholly descriptive in a lot of its parts and very detail-oriented. Still, the filmmakers elevated the proceedings due to excellent cinematography, strong editing and a particularly effective score from Herbert Stothart.
That score was deservedly nominated for an Oscar. Susan Peters was also nominated for her supporting role and she truly was excellent as Kitty. The sets are also great and the directing from LeRoy is quite accomplished. I just wish that the film was better paced as it was overly slow, though its nostalgic mood was wholly unique.