Primal Season 2 (2022)

Primal Season 2 Review
The second season of Primal was released on HBO Max in 2022. It’s almost as incredible as the first one and it ended on such a powerful, heartbreaking note.
The first of the ten episodes is titled Sea of Despair. It is a somewhat slower, less impactful episode that still works because it functions as the necessary respite from all the horrible stuff that happened to Fang and Spear, who are both very endearing here. The ocean looks gorgeous in this installment.
Shadow of Fate begins some important storylines for this second season. First off, it introduces Fang to Red, a male dinosaur love interest for our dino protagonist. The episode is very sweet in their interactions, but as expected it ends with tragedy as Spear kills Red in a big misunderstanding that infuriated me as a viewer, but it made perfect sense in the context of the story.
Dawn of Man is very powerful in the cave painting sequences and this is the episode that finally sees our trio reach the village where the other slaves like Mira are captured. But the next episode Red Mist is where some unforgettable moments happen. Basically, the three end up killing the entire village, in the process murdering the Chieftain’s wife and younger son.
A new character that acts as the season’s biggest villain, he is driven by anger and sadness as he sets out to avenge his fallen family. The show powerfully explores through him the dangers of seeking revenge and letting it fulfill your soul to the point of no return. That final sequence in the episode is powerfully poetic and artistic as we see through their eyes what happened before.
The Primal Theory is a different kind of beast. While undeniably acting as a filler episode that did not need to be here, the central theme that we all have our inner beasts locked in with the façade of modern humanity was powerfully explored through Darwin and his friends as they fight a dangerous brute who invades their home. It’s a pleasant dialogue-fueled diversion, but a diversion nonetheless.
Vidarr is the most purely entertaining and thrilling episode of this season. Fang has now laid eggs and is going to be a mother, which was a wonderful new development that lent a lot of emotional intensity to this season. The moments where she nurtures her eggs were so sweet. Eventually, they are attacked once again by the Chieftain and his son gets killed during the battle. How ferociously this man fought both times was ridiculous, but it did lead to so many fun and memorably brutal action sequences.
The Colossaeus Part I introduces Norse Mythology to this series and this works as the clan is obviously a Viking one. But this now demonic man is not the only threat for out trio as they have to fight with the Egyptian warriors who capture them. Ima is their queen pharaoh and she uses Fang’s eggs as leverage to enslave them all.
The Colossaeus Part II finally sees the trio begin to fight their oppressors. There is this one sequence in this episode that sees them destroy a peaceful Hindu village against their will and it was a brutal, but necessary moment of humanity as we see how much of an emotional toll this has taken on all of them, especially their new friend Kamau, a huge and powerful African man who was enslaved and ordered to fight for the Egyptians.
The Colossaeus Part III finally sees the demise of Ima, which made me so happy, and that is a sign of a great villain – being invested in the heroes’ quest to destroy her. She was a ridiculously powerful woman, but still this depiction of her led to so many great fight sequences.
The finale Echoes of Eternity was absolutely breathtaking. It gave us an origin story for both Spear and Mira. I knew that the show was brutal, but I didn’t expect them to go into the territory of killing off one of their major characters. Yes, it happened. After an explosive, badass fight atop a mountain with this now volcanic, demonic creature, Spear ended up sacrificing himself. It all happened very briskly, which was realistic, and thus all the more tragic. Mira has sex with him and ends up being pregnant with his child. The final moment sees Mira along with her new family and the dinosaur family trekking along the wilderness in one unforgettable image that spells new, exciting things for the future of this show.
Consequently, Primal is almost as fantastic in its second season as it was in the first one. It’s a bit less artistic and even more unbelievable, but when it counts, the show employs tremendous realism, unflinching brutality and unpredictable twists that really worked. The animation and score are brilliant once again while the characterization and emotional investment are undeniably impressive. It’s a brilliant series that is one of the best animated shows ever created.
Worst Episodes: Sea of Despair and The Primal Theory.
Best Episodes: The Red Mist, Vidarr, The Colossaeus Part III and Echoes of Eternity.