Pre-Hysterical Hare (1958)

Pre-Hysterical Hare Review
Pre-Hysterical Hare is a 1958 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a terrific cartoon.
This is a different Elmer Fudd/Bugs Bunny short that is set in the prehistoric times and it actually makes great use of that time period. Though the movie could have been even funnier and only in the second half does it achieve true greatness, the animation is so good and the attention to detail impressive that it really needs to be respected as something quite authentic and different from other entries in the series.
The best thing about it was seeing Bugs as a saber-toothed rabbit. That was hilarious. The comedic highlight has to be the ending that was earned due to the previously established fact that Elmer doesn’t know which end of the rifle shots. It was a great gag that really worked. Elmer is fantastic here, but it is Bugs who steals the movie. Also, that opening in that intriguing location was wonderful and I wanted more exploration of that setting.