Once Upon a Snowman (2020)

Once Upon a Snowman Review
Once Upon a Snowman is a 2020 animated short film from Disney. It’s another ‘Frozen’ short.
This one focuses on Olaf, following closely his adventures after Elsa created him and before he met Anna and Kristoff. Although this midquel treatment made the film rather uneventful and unimportant really, I still really appreciated those connections to the first movie, especially the wolves, Let It Go and the last scene was wonderful.
The first half is definitely weaker than the second one as it can be too silly and not all that interesting. But I loved everything with the wolves, those were the best scenes. The sausage sequence was the most endearing of the bunch and the final scene with the sun was also wonderful. Olaf is very good here, but gone is his humor unfortunately. The animation is polished per usual and the score is fine.