On the Rocks (2020)

On the Rocks Movie Review
On the Rocks is a 2020 drama film directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Rashida Jones and Bill Murray. It’s such a fun lightweight movie.
“It must be nice to be you“
It follows a father and daughter as they tail her suspicious husband, suspecting him of having an affair. This premise is interesting and though slight and obviously an excuse for these two to hang out together, I still find the story quite good and the ending thankfully different and not really what you would expect. Although it doesn’t go fully into its themes of marriage and trust, we still get some valuable relationship lessons here.
Above all else, the movie is hugely entertaining. I don’t quite understand why the movie is getting some of the weaker reviews among Coppola’s output, but to me this is by far her most accessible movie, the one that should clearly appeal more to audiences and not just the critics. I wholly appreciated its breezy, lightweight approach at both tone and pace.
Rashida Jones is very good as Laura. She’s quite likable and very well developed. Bill Murray as Felix undoubtedly steals the show and this is mostly his movie to shine. He is very well cast and all of his scenes are very charming and fun. The two have such an infectious father-daughter dynamic and it was great that the movie did not ask him to change in that corny Hollywood manner, but just acknowledged how he is and where the two are and moved forward. That was an inspired choice.
Marlon Wayans is less memorable as the husband, but quite handsome. The flick did not start out that strong with a first act that to me wasn’t all that interesting, but later on it became better and better as it moved along at a brisk, enjoyable pace.
On the Rocks is short, but short and sweet. The directing is nothing special, but the movie is well shot and the dialogue is quite engaging and even witty at times. It’s one of those movies where you just are in for a fun ride and there’s nothing wrong with that.