Mickey Mouse on Spook’s Island (1947)

Mickey Mouse on Spook’s Island Review
Mickey Mouse on Spook’s Island is a Disney comic that was published in 1947 under the Four Color Comics label (#170). It’s a very good issue.
Mickey Mouse on Spook’s Island features a very interesting and layered story that takes us to the titular island, but it turns out that the island isn’t horrific per say, but a criminal backstory is on foot. The twist was anti-climactic, but it worked in the context of the story and Black Pete was wonderfully utilized as a villain here. He was at his most cunning here and his plan was excellent. The illustrations are gorgeous and the writing is quite strong. The highlight was Goofy with his horrified reactions at all the plot points.
Mickey Mouse’s Masquerade is also a surprisingly strong second story in this issue. It’s nowhere near as great as the first one as it’s shorter and simpler in nature, but Mickey’s nephews are quite endearing and their moments were uniformly the best parts of the story. Mickey’s parts fared weaker and the overall scenario near the end was too convenient, but it’s a fun enough story that mostly worked.