Mickey Mouse and the World Under the Sea (1948)

Mickey Mouse and the World Under the Sea Review
Mickey Mouse and the World Under the Sea is a Disney comic that was published in 1948 under the Four Color Comics label (#194). It’s a pretty solid issue.
The first titular story is the highlight, though both stories here are of similar quality. I am always up for underwater adventures in my comics and this one didn’t disappoint, at least not for the most part. Yes, that ending was a letdown. It was rushed and much more could have been done with this premise. They set up this Atlantean world and its characters beautifully, so the story really should have been longer. The illustration work is gorgeous and Goofy was particularly endearing in this one.
Pluto’s Problem is one of those domestic dramas that this series often does for a second story, but this time around the story stood on its own as a really delightful one. Mickey and the kids are forgettable here, but this is all about Pluto and it’s rare to find such a well written Pluto story. It’s a very simple storyline, but it worked because rooting for Pluto to overcome his fear of everything and anything was so much fun and quite endearing to follow.