Mickey Mouse and the Rajah’s Treasure (1949)

Mickey Mouse and the Rajah’s Treasure Review
Mickey Mouse and the Rajah’s Treasure is a Disney comic that was published in 1949 under the Four Color Comics label (#231). It’s a pretty solid issue.
This comic only has one story and it’s a pretty good, though far from great one. It’s one of those Mickey Mouse stories that are all about character shenanigans and misunderstandings, being essentially a situational comedy. Much more should have been done with the titular rajah and the treasure, but what we got was still a lot of fun.
The illustration work is solid here, the characters got their moments to shine for the most part, and the dialogue is reliably witty. The criminals weren’t all that memorable villains and the comic was quite of its time in those gangster elements, but Mickey and Minnie truly shined, especially their killer dynamic and the fact that they gave Minnie a proactive role as well. I loved those two here.