Mickey Mouse and the Black Sorcerer (1949)

Mickey Mouse and the Black Sorcerer Review
Mickey Mouse and the Black Sorcerer is a Disney comic that was published in 1949 under the Four Color Comics label (#248). It’s a solid issue.
This comic has two stories and one worked better than the other. The second one did not appeal to me at all. Pete being the villain of the story was a great idea and he was a lot of fun, but the story itself was quite weak and not as adventurous as it should have been. The illustration work is strong, but the writing should have been better.
The titular story worked much better. The initial mystery with the television box was quite intriguing. Mickey was great here and so was the villain of the piece, but it was Goofy who stole the story. His stupidity saving the day was a smart idea and how he was made fun of while still being made a hero was a perfect arc for him. It’s such a fun story that didn’t have the best ending, but otherwise was very strong.