Mexican Cat Dance (1963)

Mexican Cat Dance Review
Mexican Cat Dance is a 1963 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a forgettable cartoon.
Mexican mice take over a bullfight ring after all the people have left, and they arrange their own entertainment, with Speedy Gonzales as a matador and Sylvester Cat substituting for a bull. This is one of those Warner Bros. shorts that reuse animation from previous movies, which is never a good thing. Thus, it felt lazy and not as entertaining.
The ending is very good and quite memorable. Sylvester is also funny throughout and some lines of dialogue are amusing. However, the animation is nothing to write home about, and the overall plot is just not that good. Speedy movies are at their best when focusing on the mice and their dialogue, and this one focused too much on the spectacle and not enough on those characters, which was frustrating to me.