Merlin the Magic Mouse (1967)

Merlin the Magic Mouse Review
Merlin the Magic Mouse is a 1967 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a pretty solid short.
Merlin, a W.C. Fields-like mouse, puts on a magic show in front of an audience of one cat. Merlin does some bad magic tricks for the feline before he realizes he’s a mouse. This is another 1967 Warner Bros. cartoon that introduced a new character to the audiences after ‘Cool Cat’. This is the better of the two, but not by much.
Merlin is this very fun, over-the-top mouse with a cool voice to him. His personality and overall characterization worked for me. The performance that he does is okay. It doesn’t have the best gags out there, but they are fine. The ending is a lot of fun too and the entire premise with the cat being actually a mouse was a good one. I just wished that the execution was more energetic. The animation is also pretty weak this time around.