Martian Through Georgia (1962)

Martian Through Georgia Review
Martian Through Georgia is a 1962 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a pretty good cartoon.
It tells the tale of a sad and bored Martian who travels to Earth in search of happiness. There, people run away from him in utter fright and it takes him a while to realize that he is the one people are afraid of. It’s a familiar premise, but it’s executed so charmingly that it ultimately worked.
The only thing I honestly did not like here is that ending. They should have gone with a different conclusion as that romantic subplot did not work at all. It was rushed and I did not buy it. But everything else was wonderful, including the gorgeous, detailed and endearing animation style and terrific character designs. The protagonist is adorable and incredibly likable. Throughout the movie I was thinking that he would turn out to be Marvin the Martian, but he ended up being an original character in this one-off story.