Making Friends (1936)

Making Friends Review
Making Friends is a 1936 animated short film from the Betty Boop series. It is a classic.
Pudgy the pup takes Betty Boop’s advice to make friends to heart and befriends various wild animals. This is a somewhat forgettable Pudgy-centric short that failed to include Betty in a more meaningful way. Pudgy himself is also far from memorable here as most of the cartoon focuses on the other animals that he befriends.
The animation is strong, the score is good and the animals do produce a couple of good gags here and there. The highlight was the ending that was pleasantly reminiscent of the later Whistle While You Work scene from ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’. Seeing the animals wreck Betty’s house was actually quite funny as they used the dishes and other objects in an amusing manner.
Making Friends has a forgettable plot and far from memorable character moments, but the second half is solid and some gags are fun.
My Rating – 3.4