Jackass: The Movie (2002)

Jackass: The Movie Movie Review
Jackass: The Movie is a 2002 slapstick comedy film directed by Jeff Tremaine and starring Johnny Knoxville among others. It’s a grotesque and ridiculous guilty pleasure movie.
“I guess I don’t have any last words.
I’m just gonna kill myself once I lose my wiener“
Johnny Knoxville and his band of maniacs perform a variety of stunts and gross-out gags on the big screen for the first time in this film adaptation of their previous show of the same name. I’ve never seen the show and this is my first time experiencing this franchise. I have to say that I’ve had a lot of fun watching this movie despite its utter ridiculousness.
This is the kind of movie that is hardly a feature film. It is basically a collection of different gags and stunts that the gang performs all strewn together into a semblance of a motion picture. It has no story to speak of and it’s basically a film version of a reality television show, nothing more than that.
With that being said, I still liked watching it. I’ve had fun and that is the only thing that matters with media like this. Knoxville is the most memorable performer, though Steve-O comes pretty close. The team basically reminded me of a bunch of thirteen-year-olds fooling around. The only difference is that they are grown-ass men and that their stunts are truly extreme.
What appealed to me the least is toilet humor. These sections were the grossest and almost unwatchable in certain instances. The slapstick stuff fared much better along with the stunts, a couple of them stealing the show. Everything with the alligators worked best for me. The scene where they prank one of their moms by putting a live gator in the house is the funniest moment in the movie as her reactions were priceless.
Other highlights in Jackass: The Movie include the boxing match, the thong in public sequence and all the hilariously gay stunts in this highly homoerotic movie that panders a lot to that audience as well as all children at heart out there. The editing is surprisingly good here, but again the film is wildly uneven as some pranks and stunts are terrific, but a lot of the others were too disgusting and/or juvenile.