Human Resources Season 1 (2022)

Human Resources Season 1 Review
Human Resources is a 2022 adult animated show produced by Netflix. The first season consists of ten episodes. The show turned out to be very disappointing.
“The line between love and hate is thin as hell“
This series is a spin-off of ‘Big Mouth’, which is one of Netflix’ brightest and funniest animated shows. I love it, so I expected great things from this spin-off as well. And I simply did not get that. The reviews for this show area way too good when in reality it is only serviceable and never as funny as it should have been.
Most people complain about sequels or remakes when in reality it is the spin-offs that turn out worst. This one is no exception. They basically decided to not only make a show out of Big Mouth’s least interesting side characters, but also to make it more emotional and dramatic instead of comedic. Gone is the clever humor of its parent show and what we’ve got is lackluster, unfunny humor. Some of it did make me laugh, but the vast majority of jokes fell flat. The fact that the critics only focus on the story just goes to show that the show fails as a comedy.
To make matters worse, the newly introduced monsters are very mediocre. The show is all about the hormone monsters, but the children grounded the story in reality and they were also the funniest parts of the series. Now, without the likes of Andrew and Jay, you’ve got nobody to relate to and you have no one to make you laugh. At least that happened to me.
Connie and Maury are amazing. I love these two. The final episode with the pregnancy was the highlight as it was unexpected and so funny. Whenever these two popped on the screen, I was having a blast. Their dynamic is just so good and wonderfully complex.
But all of the others are so mediocre. The Lovebugs got the most screen time and they were so annoying with their uninteresting drama. I was bored with them. The show did deal with some complex human emotions in a somewhat sophisticated manner, but this is a comedy that’s supposed to make you laugh and more often than not it felt like a dull drama. The Shame Wizard is also back and again I loved him. The characters taken from the original are all strong, it’s just that these new ones were so bad. The humans that the show focuses on also could not have been less uninteresting.
Overall, Human Resources is mostly a miss for me. The characters taken from Big Mouth were great, but the new ones were so bad and boring. The show became too much of a drama without really being funny, except in sporadic occasions. It’s an unnecessary spin-off that, at least in its first season, did not stick the landing.
Worst Episodes: The Addiction Angel and The Light.
Best Episodes: Bad Mummies and Shitstorm.