House Cleaning Blues (1937)

House Cleaning Blues Review
House Cleaning Blues is a 1937 animated short film from the Betty Boop series. It is a familiar, but solid cartoon.
Housecleaning blues are just what Betty Boop has the morning after a wild party. Grampy comes to the rescue. How many times by now have we seen Grampy coming to help out Betty with some task or another? I’d say too many times. This is why this flick felt repetitious and overly familiar. There isn’t a single original moment to be found here whatsoever.
With that being said, Betty was endearing as she always is, and who doesn’t love Grampy. His infectious energy always steals the show as it did in this movie as well. Some of his inventions were quite memorable with the highlight being the soda fountain inside a car. It is these crazy contraptions that Grampy has that make him so cool.
House Cleaning Blues has a familiar premise, but its execution is pretty good, leading to another solidly diverting Grampy flick.
My Rating – 3.6