Hot-Rod and Reel! (1959)

Hot-Rod and Reel! Review
Hot-Rod and Reel! is a 1959 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a very strong cartoon.
This is one of the better Road Runner shorts of this period as most of the segments worked out so well. My main issue is the sequence with the slide. Why would you conceive this highly complex contraption only to have Wile lose at the very beginning before even starting the machine. I find these segments better when they last a bit longer and feature his failure later down the line.
Case in point, that final unicycle section. That was amazing. Seeing all the ways that this unicycle backfired provided some great humor. Another highlight is the very beginning with the mountains letting the bird walk from one to another, but when the coyote steps on them, he falls instantaneously. Whenever these cartoons focus on non-existing laws of gravity, they are the funniest.
Overall, Hot-Rod and Reel! is weaker in the second act, but the beginning and the ending are so strong that they elevate this entry to greater heights.
My Rating – 4.1