Hare Brush (1955)

Hare Brush Review
Hare Brush is a 1955 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a unique short.
This is a very different Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd cartoon that actually sees Elmer defeat Bugs. That was unexpected and weird, but ultimately highly authentic and unforgettable. That entire final scene was brilliant. The movie is very funny in the scenarios where the two switched roles and it was interesting seeing that changed dynamic.
I also really liked the first half that emphasized on Freudian psychoanalysis, hypnosis and also medication. The movie would have worked better as two different shorts as that way both of these different halves would have been longer and even better developed, but still I liked both halves and it was very funny how they lampooned some of the weirdest and questionable parts of the science of psychology.