Hacks Season 3 Review


Hacks Season 3 Review

The third season of Hacks premiered in 2024 on Max. It is another stellar season of this phenomenal comedy series that only gets better with each new installment.


For me one day is now


Hacks Season 3 Review


The last season ended with the two main characters parting ways, but this new season is all about Ava and Deborah reuniting and actually growing to become genuine friends. Their relationship is the heart and core of this season and it can get quite emotional at times.

The finale was superb. The show usually ends the season on a high note and this was the case here as well. Deborah is horrible toward Ava, which leads to an emotionally heartbreaking argument between the two, but eventually Ava turns the tables on her by using her words of advice to turn on her – being selfish and ruthless in business. It’s a great critique of how all business works and especially Hollywood.

The series is very insightful about the Hollywood business, especially in regards to standup comedy and late night shows. There is this excellent speech that signifies just how much luck is involved and not just talent and hard work in making a career in show business. There are so many factors in play for somebody to strike it in this business and this show is all about how insanely difficult it is to achieve that.


Hacks Season 3 Review


There is another stellar episode besides the finale that I just loved and that is the hiking one. As the two women walked, Deborah talked about how in your later years there is no procrastination and you have to do everything now or you will never get to do it. It was a very moving existential speech that really touched me. That episode also touched on climate change and how these two are so different in age and experience. That juxtaposition in their views continues to be the most interesting thing about this entire show. I wished for a stronger critique of cancel culture and SJWs, but there were elements of that here nonetheless, though the show at times was borderline woke in some of its points.

Hannah Einbinder was at her best throughout this season. She was particularly adept at the more emotional as well as cringe-worthy moments of her character. She sold those best. And obviously Jean Smart is just as brilliant as ever in such a tour de force performance. Her character continues to be complex and fascinating.


Hacks Season 3 Review


Other characters are sidelined in this third season for better and for worse. On the one hand, this led to more meaningful moments between our two leading ladies, which is fine with me. But on the other hand, those side characters were still there, so it was bothersome that they weren’t given more to do. Marcus was especially sidelined this time around, which was frustrating, but at least Jimmy and Kayla continued to be a fun presence. Some of their exploits were not all that interesting (the seventh episode came off as filler material to me), but their final arc was funny and surprisingly effective. Kaitlin Olson as Deborah’s daughter was wonderful too and that roast episode was so much fun.

Overall, I loved the third season of Hacks. It has its flaws, in particular it sidelined its side characters way too much. But it was the best and most confident season of this series yet with so many powerful speeches, excellent points being made about Hollywood and fantastic character arcs for Deborah and Ava. Their relationship was the heart of this season and every single scene of theirs was fantastic.


Worst Episodes: Episode 1 and Episode 7.

Best Episodes: Episode 5 and Episode 9.

My Rating – 4.4

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