Green Eggs and Ham Season 2 (2022)

Green Eggs and Ham Season 2 Review
The second season of Green Eggs and Ham was released on Netflix in 2022. It consists of ten episodes. It’s a satisfactory second serving.
“But you guys are the same“
While the first season of this show was just a wonderfully old-fashioned, charming and in its retro storybook vibes authentic series, this second season coming three years after the first lost that edge of authenticity, but it’s still very good and actually surprisingly so given that most second seasons of such animated shows drop the ball significantly.
Adapting a different Dr. Seuss book this time around, but within the frame of this world and these characters, the story is typically spread in a couple of directions. The first one focuses on Guy-Am-I and his family life. He is getting a child in a major new storyline for him. The second one focuses on Sam and his mom reconnecting and going on a spy adventure while the third is centered around E.B. and her newfound romance with a guy from a country that is at war with their neighbors.
The weakest of the three is the familial storyline. It’s sweet and that pregnancy revelation was done through some absolutely hilarious narration, but most of Guy’s story in this season was just not all that interesting. The previous season was a buddy cop movie centered around Guy and Sam’s budding friendship and that angle was lost here as the two spend very little time together in this sophomore season.
The genre shifted toward spy action territory, which was interesting to shake things up and it was very well executed, but I wished for more of those two buddies being together. As for Sam, he is just as lovable as he was before and his relationship with his mom is fraught and problematic, but eventually they reconnect and Pam realizes her mistake of leaving him in the first place. It’s a familiar story, but one that is done in such an emotionally rewarding manner here.
The third storyline is the best one. It’s not only tender and romantic with the date episode being so beautiful, but it also is important in teaching kids about geopolitics and just how silly the reasons behind the countries’ conflicts can be. This is the most mature theme on the show so far and it was handled beautifully. I loved everything about it and sadly this issue is getting more and more relevant these days.
Green Eggs and Ham is still just as gorgeously animated as it was before. The character designs are top-notch and so authentic while the overall animation is very polished, unique and super endearing. The score is also lovely as is the voice acting. The narration is one of the biggest selling points of the show. Rarely have I seen such amazing, funny narration on a show before and most of the humor stems from Keegan-Michael Key’s hilarious delivery. If Netflix returns to a third season, hopefully the protagonists will be reunited.
The second season of Green Eggs and Ham is structurally weak and inferior in Guy’s storyline, but Sam and Pam got a very moving arc and the geopolitical story was the best and most impactful one. It’s a messy, but surprisingly engaging, sweet and mostly satisfactory sophomore season for this wonderful animated series.
Worst Episodes: On Her Dookess’ Secret Service and The Mom Who Loved Me.
Best Episodes: Tinker Taylor Mother Spy and To Yookia with Love.