Go Go Amigo (1965)

Go Go Amigo Review
Go Go Amigo is a 1965 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a very forgettable cartoon.
In Mexico, Daffy Duck is the owner of an electronics store where Speedy Gonzales and his friends are celebrating Speedy’s birthday by playing music on Daffy’s merchandise. The entirety of this short focused on Daffy Duck forbidding Speedy to play his music for the party. The premise itself was okay, but the execution was tiresome, which led to a lot of dull repetition.
Some of Daffy’s lines did amuse me and he at least acted like his own self in this movie, though that breaking the fourth wall moment in the beginning did not fit his character all that much. Speedy is forgettable in this installment. Most of the gags were serviceable, but hardly exciting and/or funny. The flick had solid music and animation, but a lack of true energy and inventiveness.